KALAMAZOO, MI (WKZO AM/FM) – As the school year winds down Kalamazoo Public Schools are gearing up for summer school, and there will be some changes this time around.
The big one? For some students, summer classes will be mandatory.
Superintendent Darrin Slade says they will be holding meetings with those involved to fill in the details.
The students who are being required to attend will be notified in the next week or so.
Trustee Patti Sholler-Barber agrees with the decision to make it mandatory.
This year they will also be waiving the credit recovery fee for high school and middle school students will have a summer school of their own.
Breakfast, lunch and transportation will be provided.
They anticipate about 800 elementary, 350 middle school students and 400 high school students will be spending part of their summer in class.