Kalamazoo’s Housing Coordinator says that the city has helped create over 741 affordable housing units over the last 5 years, but it’s not enough, it doesn’t happen quickly, and help from Washington is not on the way.
Sherilynn Parsons briefed city commissioners yesterday on what they are doing to create affordable housing, citing success stories like the Creamery, 400 Rose and The Lodge, but it takes a long time, a lot of planning and organization.
Commissioner Don Cooney says that’s fine, but it doesn’t help those who are homeless now.
Mayor Dave Anderson says there was a time when the federal government was leading the charge on housing, but not these days.
Homeless advocates in the audience were not convinced it is enough.
Parsons says they are developing strategies to work with the Land Bank, the faith based community and have four proposals seeking funding that could provide hundreds of additional units.