KALAMAZOO, MI (WKZO AM/FM) – The investigation continues into the practices in the Kalamazoo Public Schools Business Office, following the firing of former Operations Director Jim English and the resignation of Superintendent Dr.Rita Raichoudhuri.
School board President Ti’Anna Harrison says they have been informed by their attorney that they are looking to see if there were other “irregularities, and the lawyer is working with an auditor for any additional items.
She says they have begun the process of finding a permanent replacement for the former Superintendent issuing a request for proposals from professional search firms who may want to bid on the job.
The school board voted last night to create a board subcommittee to oversee that job search, and to create a permanent new standing sub-committee to work on community relations, which they say have suffered in the past month due to all the sudden changes at the top.
Trustees suggested the committee consider holding community forums, and the creation of a comprehensive list of school events, so trustees can meet with parents informally.