KALAMAZOO, MI (WKZO AM/FM) – An ordinance that would make it a civil violation for a pedestrian to enter a designated work zone has been put on the table at Kalamazoo City Hall.
The city attorney’s office noticed that it was happening and that there was nothing in city or state law to prevent it.
Assistant City Attorney Sarah Van Hyfte says it’s a liability issue to take a shortcut, a stroll or ride a bike through a construction zone.
Mayor Dave Anderson says construction will continue to be a feature of life in the city for some time and making them safer is a good idea.
The city attorney is also proposing an ordinance amendment adding bike lanes to the list of transportation routes that should not be blocked by residents. Failure to heed a warning to remove or end the impediment could result in a misdemeanor arrest.
The ordinance amendments were presented to commissioners at last night’s meeting. A public hearing and a vote on the changes will be put on their next agenda.
Commissioners also authorized city staff to begin negotiations with the railroads to see if they can eliminate some of the rail-crossings downtown.
Vice Mayor Jeanne Hess and commissioner Chris Preadel strongly support that.
Two crossings near Elm St. will no longer be needed after streets are reconfigured for two-way streets, and others have been a pain in the city’s backside for decades.