CALHOUN COUNTY, MI (WNWN/WTVB) – The Calhoun County Public Health Department urged residents on Friday to take precautions against mosquito bites.
This after mosquitos collected in Calhoun County on Wednesday, July 24 tested positive for West Niles virus at the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services Bureau of Laboratories.
These are the first infected mosquitos detected in Calhoun County for 2024. West Nile Virus is transmitted to humans through infected mosquitoes.
Mosquitoes may become infected if they bite a bird infected with the virus.
Many people infected with the virus will not have any symptoms or will experience a mild illness such as body aches, fever, and headache. Some people will develop more severe symptoms.
Officials say the best way to protect yourself West Nile Virus and other mosquito-borne illnesses is to prevent mosquito bites by applying insect repellents that contain the active ingredient DEET or other EPA approved products, wear light-colored, long-sleeved shirts and long pants when outdoors, maintain window and door screening and empty water from mosquito breeding sites.