KALAMAZOO, MI (WKZO AM/FM) – One member of the Kalamazoo County Board of Commissioners says his elected position is a full time job and should be paid like one.
Vice Chair John Taylor says it’s a job that cannot be done well on a part time basis.
The Michigan Association of Counties is pushing the idea of professionalizing county board seats. Taylor says it could result in a board that is not representative of the community and its irresponsible to leave their half-billion-dollar annual budget to that kind of board.
Taylor says many do not run for office because they must earn a living and don’t have time to be on county board.
He has no specific recommendations on what board salaries would be, but he says other counties of similar size have gone to full time boards and they could serve as a model.
Kalamazoo County commissioners received a 22% increase at the beginning of 2023 when the board downsized from 11 to nine members. Commissioners now earn $18,431 per year; Taylor earns $18,824 and the board Chair gets $21,197.