KALAMAZOO, MI (WKZO AM/FM) – Consumers Energy says the ongoing work to modernize utilities and prepare for the coming event center will shift southward on Park Street starting Wednesday, July 31.
Park Street will reopen north of Kalamazoo Ave Wednesday as the project’s current phase concludes. At that time, Park Street will close between Kalamazoo Avenue and Michigan Avenue to continue installing a new electrical duct bank and water main.
The north lanes of Kalamazoo Avenue will also be reopened and the south lanes will be closed during this phase.
Consumers says Park Street will remain closed at Ransom Street to continue the Ransom Street Project. The detour for through traffic will remain the same, utilizing Rose Street to North Street.
The work is part of an ongoing project to update and relocate utilities in preparation for the planned event center. Cooley Street and Eleanor Street have already been vacated to make way for the development, so the utilities that run underneath those streets must be rerouted.
The City of Kalamazoo says while the rerouting is taking place, the water and wastewater utilities will also be oversized to create redundancy and improve the reliability of those utility systems. They say by coordinating oversizing with the event center’s rerouting, Consumers will contribute $2.675 million of utility system upgrades for an investment of only $300,000 by the city.
Consumers Energy is also making a number of upgrades to their gas and electric utilities in this area that are coordinated with this work.