KALAMAZOO, MI (WKZO AM/FM) – A local group is gearing up to help celebrate the 250th birthday of the United States.
The Kalamazoo County Board of Commissioners this week adopted a resolution establishing the Kalamazoo County Semiquincentennial Committee to prepare for the celebration of anniversary in 2026. Although the state’s America250MI Committee encourages communities to form local groups, it appears from their website that Kalamazoo County is the first in the state to take such a step.
Local historian Dr. Sharon Carlson says, “In establishing this local committee, the Kalamazoo County Board of Commissioners is following the timeline set by their predecessors. Kalamazoo County established a local committee in 1974 to coordinate education and commemoration of the nation’s Bicentennial.”
“The commemoration of our nation’s 250th birthday has already begun,” according to Karen Woodworth, past Regent of the local DAR chapter. “On Earth Day weekend of this year a Liberty Tree was dedicated in Bronson Park, the first event in Michigan to receive the endorsement of the state’s America250MI Committee.”
Kalamazoo expects to host a traveling exhibit on “The American Revolutionary Experience” during the month of December.
The national America250 Commission was established by the US Congress in 2018 to oversee and coordinate semiquincentennial events at the national level. A state-level committee for Michigan was established by Governor Gretchen Whitmer in 2020 to help Michigan share its own narrative related to the commemoration of America’s 250th anniversary. Dr. Sharon Carlson of Kalamazoo was appointed by the Governor to serve on the America250MI committee.
Carlson says she expects the Kalamazoo County committee to include representation from groups involved in tourism, economic development, education, indigenous nations, museums, local government, and others.
Local organizations interested in serving as corresponding members of the committee should contact Karen Braddy Lambert at Karen@KarenBraddyLambert.com, the Chair of the America250! Committee for the Lucinda Hinsdale Stone Chapter of the National Society, Daughters of the American Revolution.