The following story has been updated: The ramp closures are now scheduled for Monday, April 22, according to MDOT.
LANSING, MI — Trying to reach Michigan State University’s campus has been made challenging because of multiple exit closures due to the road construction on US-127 in Lansing south of Frandor. Now it is going to become even more so.
The Michigan Department of Transportation says it will close ramps from EB I-496 to Trowbridge and the SB US-127 ramp to Trowbridge beginning Saturday to demolish the ramps. This work is part of the $205 million investment to rebuild US-127/I-496 from I-96 to I-496 that will address safety concerns, improve roadway geometrics, and improve vehicular movement.
Side roads with access to campus in East Lansing like Harrison, College and Farm Lane have already been jammed during morning and afternoon commutes. The new closures are expected to only add to the congestion.