KALAMAZOO, MI (WKZO AM/FM) – Some law enforcement officials in west Michigan say the rollout of the state’s new red flag law two months ago has been smoother than people expected.
There have been at least 35 extreme risk protection orders issued statewide since the law took effect February 13th and the Michigan Association of Chiefs of Police director Robert Stevenson says they have not been any issues.
Kalamazoo County Prosecutor Jeff Getting says just a few of the ERPOs in the state have been issued in Kalamazoo County and there has been no abuse of the process that people were worried about.
There have been no ERPOs issued yet in Kent or Muskegon counties.
ANY use of these red flag laws is an abuse of process, contrary to what the article says. The fact is, it’s a violation of the due process clause of the U. S. Constitution. And that begs the question how many of these were actually needed and how many were malicious?
This is a bad law that needs to be repealed.