KALAMAZOO, MI (WKZO AM/FM) — Kalamazoo city commissioners will be getting a raise in pay.
The Local Officers Compensation Committee recommended the hikes to the commissioners last night.
By state law, the only way to keep them from taking effect would have been a super-majority vote by commissioners to reject the hikes, and that did not happen.
LOCC chair Nick Boyd says the increases match the Consumer Price Index over the last two years.
He says several factors went into their unanimous decision.
They are recommending the mayor get about $1,150 more to just over $12,000 a year.
The Vice Mayor gets about a $970 hike to around $10,170 per year. And the five commissioners get about $850 more, to bring their annual salary up to $9,000.
Their raises will take effect in just over a week on January 11th.
Their new salaries will be just a little more than Battle Creek pays and a little less than Portage.
Statewide commission salaries range from $27,000 in Ann Arbor and $32,000 in Grand Rapids on the high side, to just $2,000 a year in Royal Oak.