KALAMAZOO, MI (WKZO AM/FM) — Graphics Packaging is now blaming the city of Kalamazoo for at least being partly responsible for the gas emissions blowing into the north side of the city. The claim came in a brief filed in federal court, in response to a suit by dozens of citizens, claiming the plant is causing them harm.
The company claims the city may be “wholly or partly at fault and liable for damages.”
The city has spent millions, adding filters and monitoring equipment to prevent the release of Hydrogen Sulfide. Public Works Director James Baker says it has reduced their emissions considerably since 2019.
Hydrogen sulfide is the gas identified by state health officials as a possible cause of health problems in adjoining neighborhoods.
Last month, city commissioners approved setting up two new monitoring stations to the north of the plant, in addition to the 11 they already have in place, and approved additional strategies to reduce emissions.