KALAMAZOO, MI (WKZO AM/FM) – A 40-year-old Kalamazoo man has been sentenced on multiple counts of financial elder abuse
Kalamazoo County Circuit Court Judge Pamela Lightvoet Monday sentenced Craig Macauley to five months in jail, three years of probation, plus fines and costs.
October 31, 2022, Macauley pled guilty to three counts of Embezzlement from a Vulnerable Adult, $1,000 to $20,000. Per the plea agreement, Macauley paid a total of $30,000 in restitution for the victim prior to his sentencing. Macauley waived all rights to items seized by special agents of the Department of Attorney General, which were paid for with the victim’s money or taken from the victim. The items included multiple vehicles and a 14k yellow gold diamond ring.
Additionally, Macauley waived his rights to the victim’s home after it was determined he asked her to place his name on the deed.
The Michigan Attorney General’s office says Macauley took over $45,000 of the victim’s money and property for his own purposes between 2018 and 2019. During this time, the victim was about 77-years-old and suffered from multiple medical conditions, making her a vulnerable adult dependent on others to help her with tasks around her home, drive her to appointments, and manage her finances and medications.
They say Macauley used the victim’s money to purchase multiple items, maxed out the victim’s credit cards, and caused her bank account to become overdrawn.
The case was referred to the Financial Crimes Division of the Department of Attorney General by the Newaygo County Sheriff’s Office because it was a multi-county investigation.