KALAMAZOO, MI (WKZO AM/FM) – A project to repave and preserve the surface of Howard Street between Oakland Drive and Stadium Drive is scheduled to begin Monday, June 12.
Kalamazoo City officials say the work will result in single-lane closures in each direction for the duration of the project, which is scheduled to be completed by the end of July.
The project will also add a pedestrian refuge island at the intersection of Howard Street and Waite Avenue, which will create a connection from the Oakland Drive-Winchell neighborhood to the network of non-motorized trails near Western Michigan University.
The project will start with the construction of the pedestrian island. Once completed, Howard Street will undergo varying degrees of surface work. Pavement will be milled and resurfaced where appropriate and pavement preservation treatments will be applied to areas that are still in good condition.
The City Commission approved a $418,200 contract with the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) for this project in April.
The $100,500 local portion is included in the City’s 2023 Major Streets fund budget.