KALAMAZOO, MI (WKZO AM/FM) – Curbside Bulk Trash Collection for the City of Kalamazoo has been delayed and will start on Monday, June 5.
As a result, residents with regularly scheduled pickups on Thursdays and Fridays will have their pickups delayed one week in June.
The first Thursday pickup will take place on Thursday, June 8, and the first Friday pickup will take place on Friday, June 9.
- 1st Thursday BULK Collection will take place on 6/8
- 1st Friday BULK Collection will take place on 6/9
- 2nd Thursday BULK Collection will take place on 6/15
- 2nd Friday BULK Collection will take place on 6/16
- 3rd Thursday BULK Collection will take place on 6/22
- 3rd Friday BULK Collection will take place on 6/23
- 4th Thursday BULK Collection will take place on 6/29
- 4th Friday BULK Collection will take place on 6/30
Residents with pickups on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday are not affected and should follow their regular schedule.
Residents with first Thursday and Friday pickups that have already placed their material at the curb may leave it there and will not be penalized. Residents with delayed collections later in the month are asked to wait and place their material out one week later, the day before their new pickup date.
This change was made to accommodate staffing needs of the contractor that collects the bulk trash material.
The curbside bulk trash program allows residents to place out large trash items (like old furniture or appliances) for collection once each quarter.
Residents can place out up to 7.5 cubic yards of material for collection, which is roughly what would fit in the bed of a pickup truck. Construction material, regular household trash, or anything in black garbage bags is not accepted.
Appliances that have chemicals (like water softeners) must have the chemicals removed. Very large items, like fencing or carpeting, must be cut into pieces no larger than 4-feet by 4-feet.
Residents should review what types of material are accepted before placing items out for collection or call 311 or 269-337-8000 if they have any questions. Complete details on the bulk trash collection program are available online at www.kalamazoocity.org/bulktrash.