KALAMAZOO, MI (WKZO AM/FM) – The Kalamazoo County Board of Commissioners has set aside $1.4-million dollars to help the county’s eight different police departments get on the same computer program.
Like the merger of the county’s 911 systems, county law enforcement officials feel that a $2.6-million dollar interoperability agreement could do the same for their computer networks. That’s because criminals don’t only strike in single jurisdictions, nor do tornadoes, floods or other emergencies says Kalamazoo County Sheriff Rick Fuller, who has already held discussions with the other police outfits.
Fuller went onto say that they’re asking for funding commitments from the four other larger police agencies: The Kalamazoo Department of Public Safety, Portage Public Safety, Western Michigan University and Township of Kalamazoo Police Department.
Fuller says not only would it put the four other larger police agencies on the same computer program, but that they would also subsidize the smaller police units in the county. Officials say that a funding formula is currently in the works.
reporting from John McNeill