KALAMAZOO, MI (WKZO AM/FM) — Kalamazoo County Prosecuting Attorney Jeff Getting authorized criminal charges against St. Joseph County Sheriff Mark A. Lillywhite on Thursday, April 6.
The charges stem from an early morning crash on Sunday, February 26 on US-131 near West YZ Avenue south of Schoolcraft.
Authorities say 47-year-old Lillywhite of Three Rivers, rear-ended another car around 2:20 a.m., shoving both vehicles off the road and causing the other car to roll.
Data pulled from the SUV that Lillywhite was driving showed that it was traveling nearly 100 miles per hour five seconds before the crash, and those who were in the vehicle that got hit said that the SUV’s headlights were not on. Michigan State Police confirm that the SUV Lillywhite was driving was registered to the St. Joseph County Sheriff’s Office, and was his duty vehicle.
Upon searching the vehicle, troopers found two pistols and one rifle along with ammunition in the back. They said also that one of the pistols that was found in the center console was laded.
According to reports from Michigan State Police, Lillywhite told troopers that he wasn’t driving his SUV, though he was the only person in it. After refusing a roadside sobriety and breath test, Lillywhite was taken to the hospital for a blood draw, arrested and released the same day.
He’s now facing one count of Operating While Intoxicated and one count of Carrying a Concealed Weapon While Under the Influence of Alcohol. According to the County Prosecutors Office, both charges are misdemeanors punishable by up to 93 days in jail.
Lillywhite is due to be arraigned in 8th District Court. That date is currently pending.