KALAMAZOO, MI (WKZO AM/FM) –Pediatric doctor Andrea Hadley at the Helon DeVos Children’s Hospital in Grand Rapids is urging families in West Michigan to be cautious when their child is sick, because it could be RSV.
According to Dr. Hadley, RSV, or respiratory syncytial virus, is experienced by cold-like symptoms that can get serious, causing some patients to end up in the emergency room. She said also that the hospital reported a 385% increase in RSV positivity rates since September.
Children under 2 years old, especially infants, are the most vulnerable, according to specialists.
RSV affects the lungs and breathing passages. Once a person starts experiencing these symptoms, it could trigger development of pneumonia or bronchitis, said Hadley.
Tips for adults and parents:
- Wash hands frequently
- Cover coughs and sneezes
- Clean surfaces often
- Keep things out of children’s mouths
- Keep children at home when they are sick
- Wear a mask if you are sick and must leave the house
“If your child is not feeling well, becoming dehydrated, having decreased urine output or wet diapers you should also start with calling your pediatricians office,” said Hadley.