FORT WAYNE, IN (WKZO AM/FM) — Indiana-Michigan Power held a “Thermostat Rumble” recently to answer burning questions about who controls the thermostat in area homes.
According to the results, 52% of those asked said that they control the setting of the thermostat, 41% said it’s a mutual decision as to when to turn it up or down and 7% said that a partner, spouse, or roommate controlled it.
Three quarters of those asked about when they turn up the thermostat said that when it gets cold, that’s when they turn on the heat.
A small number said they wait until people start wearing winter coats, or when their pets get cold.
And over half reported that the optimal temperature to set the thermostat is between 70 and 73 degrees.
And just who wins those thermostat debates? Nearly 40% said their spouse, partner or roommate wins out on controlling the temperature, while the other 60% said they do.
“Winter is the most fun season to be able to go out and have fun in the snow, but it’s also a World War every season between myself, the husband and the kid fighting over what the temperature in the house should be,” responded one of our customers.
Even if one thinks they have won the debate over the thermostat, you may have not won the overall rumble. Sneaking the thermostat setting up or down happens more than you’d think. Around 38% of customers admitted to changing the temp behind a spouse, partner or roommate’s back.
One surprising fact though. The survey found that over 80% of people do not have a smart thermostat in their homes, a factor that I&M Power said could lower energy costs considerably.
The rumble/survey also revealed how many I&M customers heat their homes:
• 79% use gas heat
• 18% use electric heat
• 3% use other sources for heat including wood, geothermal and more
These tips were also offered to possibly settle some of the rumble/debates:
1. Set the thermostat a little lower during winter months and it can reduce heating costs about 3% for each degree of adjustment. Changing the temperature from 72 to 68 degrees could lower an energy bill by up to 10%.
2. Lower the thermostat to 55 degrees when going on vacation. This will save energy while preventing water pipes from freezing.
3. Don’t set the thermostat higher than necessary. It won’t heat the home any faster, and it will keep the furnace running longer than necessary.
For even more tips, visit