PORTAGE, MI (WKZO AM/FM) — A Portage man is possibly facing prison time after charges were authorized Thursday, October 27 in connection to an attack on a Federal Express driver, according to the Portage Department of Public Safety.
The incident happened back on August 27th on Bruning Street when FedEx driver, Tirrell Lipsey tried to deliver packages on his normal route.
The suspect had walked up to his truck and said something before trying to punch the 23-year-old driver. The man went onto call Lipsey the N-word, was on methamphetamine, and was taken to the hospital the same day, according to police.
The man now faces charges of ethnic intimidation, assault or assault and battery, larceny, malicious destruction of personal property, and breaking and entering – illegal entry.
Authorities have not yet released the man’s name.