KALAMAZOO, MI (WKZO AM/FM) — The city of Kalamazoo is getting ready to collect those fallen leaves for residents starting on Monday, October 31, with two scheduled pickups for each household.
Officials say crews will make two complete cleaning passes of the city through early December.
The leaf collection program is scheduled by week, with each collection zone assigned it’s own start date.
Residents can place out for collection any volume of leaves, small sticks (less than 4 feet long by 2 inches in diameter), grass clippings, and similar organic debris.
Material can be piled in the curb lawn or at the street. If material will be boxed or bagged, residents should use biodegradable materials like cardboard boxes or paper yard waste bags.
Residents should avoid placing leaves near mailboxes, utility poles, landscaped areas, or covering storm drains, and never block sidewalks, bike lanes, or streets with leaves.
The leaf collection schedule and map are available in the View from the Curb newsletter and online at www.kalamazoocity.org/leaves. Residents can also search for their property address at www.kalamazoocity.org and find all waste collection information for their household.
Residents are asked to wait to report missed leaf pickups until after crews have completed collection in their area. Missed pickups can be reported by calling 311 or visiting www.kalamazoocity.org/