KALAMAZOO, MI (WKZO AM/FM) – The proposed 2023 budget for Kalamazoo’s Foundation For Excellence has been released, and some Kalamazoo city commissioners are not happy with the plan.
Those commissioners say the budget does not include enough spending to help to end poverty and homelessness in the city.
The $23.9 million spending proposal would continue to reduce the city’s high property tax rate and fund aspirational projects, new sidewalks, and traffic calming projects, but it does not increase funding for youth summer jobs and includes no money at all for shared prosperity initiatives.
Commissioners Qianna Decker, Don Cooney and Chris Preadel at Monday’s City Commission meeting.
Commissioner Stephanie Hoffman says before they spend the money, they should find out if the agencies that would be doing the work can handle the load.
City staff say some of those things could be covered by federal COVID-19 relief funding, and some Foundation for Excellence money should be saved to make sure they don’t deplete the trust fund for future generations.
The City Manager’s proposed budget for 2023 comes out in December and there could be additional discussions about how the money is spent.
(reporting from John McNeill)