KALAMAZOO, MI (WKZO AM/FM) – The Gilmore Community Healing Center at 1910 Shaffer Street in Kalamazoo received a surprise donation of $30,000 Monday.
The donation came from Guys Who Give – Kalamazoo County. The organization was started by Justin and Cody Livingston who were born and raised in the Kalamazoo area. It now has 16 chapters around the country with more on the way.
The local chapter is celebrating it’s 5-year anniversary of supporting nonprofits with the quarterly gift doubling their typical amount given, thus eclipsing the $250,000 donated to the local community. And as one spokesperson put it, “That’s a quarter of a million dollars from a group of dudes getting together for one hour, once a quarter who chip in $100 each.”
To learn more about Guys Who Give – Kalamazoo, log onto http://guyswhogive.org