KALAMAZOO, MI (WKZO AM/FM) — Beginning in 2024, Kalamazoo Avenue which currently runs through downtown as a one-way street, will begin it’s conversion over to a two-way street.
Planning officials say this is being done to create a safer and more comfortable street for all users.
They say the project follows decades of discussion along with the control of Kalamazoo and Michigan Avenues being transferred from the state to the city.
The 18-month design process got underway in June and highlights above-ground streetscape work and updates to utilities, some of which are more than 100 years old. Other improvements to include smart traffic signals, transit upgrades, and improvements to pedestrian movements are also planned.
Experts say the conversion has the potential of increasing retail and restaurant sales by an additional $20.6 million dollars annually.
The downtown forum takes place Wednesday, August 31, starting at 8:30 a.m. at The Custer Space, located at 155 West Michigan Avenue.
Residents can also share their input online. The online survey is available until midnight on August 31.