KALAMAZOO, MI (WKZO AM/FM) — Groups in Kalamazoo County waiting for American Rescue Plan Act funding may find out soon if there is money headed their way.
Pressure has been building with both City and County officials sitting on tens of millions of federal dollars targeted for covid relief.
The Kalamazoo City Commission is set to receive a presentation from their staff at their afternoon meeting on Tuesday, June 21, and later on that evening will likely allocate half a million from that fund for youth sports programs.
The Kalamazoo County Commission has decided to break into smaller groups to review which agencies should get the millions. Administrator Kevin Catlin says they have about $39-million yet to allocate after setting aside a million for gun violence and awarding bonuses to essential workers.
Audio PlayerCommissioners were overwhelmed by the prospect of having to review that many applications, hence the decision to have subcommittees split up the work.
Audio PlayerDuring their Tuesday night meeting, they will appoint commissioners to those working groups.
They will also get an update on the process to allocate that million they set aside for Gun Violence.
(reporting from John McNeill)