MARSHALL, MI (WKZO AM/FM) – The former Alwyn Downs Golf Course in Marshall is reopening this weekend with a new name and a new look.
Ann Arbor-based Norfolk Homes purchased the 6,207-yard course and restaurant in early 2020 with plans to transform a portion of the property into housing.
The latest phase of the redevelopment project will be unveiled Saturday as the course celebrates a grand opening under the new name Emerald Hills Golf Club. The restaurant has been renamed the Tavern at Emerald Hills.
According to Norfolk Homes co-owner Jim Franke, “We’re looking forward to having people stop by to see the improvements we’ve made so far, and let them know about the work that’s coming. We believe people will be glad to know we’re doing everything possible to transform this destination into a beautiful jewel for Marshall.”
The upgrades are part of a larger effort to revitalize the former Alwyn Downs property with a variety of housing options.
Three homes on Oak Drive are in the final stages of construction, and work on the first two lots of two-story duplexes is expected to begin soon. Marshall city officials say a total of 16 duplexes are planned along Rebecca Street.