KALAMAZOO, MI (WKZO AM/FM) — Three Kalamazoo area suspects are now facing multiple felony charges after leading police on a double vehicle and K-9 chase on Saturday, March 19.
Authorities say it all started when a vehicle was reported stolen around 10 a.m. from the 4000 block of Horton Drive. Police located the vehicle later in the day around 8:30 p.m., attempted to pull it over, but the car did not stop.
An eight minute chase ensued before the driver jumped from the vehicle and fled on foot, but was caught by police a short distance away. Another occupant then quickly jumped into the driver seat and drove the stolen car away.
A second vehicle pursuit was initiated by Kalamazoo County Sheriff’s deputies and lasted about five minutes before coming to an end on the City’s East Side. The vehicle then stopped and the three remaining occupants fled on foot.
A K9 track by the Kalamazoo County Sheriff’s Office located two of the suspects hiding in a train car about two miles away from the scene. The third suspect was not immediately located.
The driver of the first pursuit is a 16-year-old male from Kalamazoo who was lodged at the Kalamazoo County Juvenile Home on multiple felony charges.
The two occupants of the second pursuit were identified as a 17-year-old male from Kalamazoo and a 21-year-old male, also from Kalamazoo. The 17-year-old was lodged at the Kalamazoo County Juvenile Home and the 21-year-old male was lodged at the Kalamazoo County Jail. Both were charged with felony offenses.
Anyone with information regarding this incident is asked to contact the Kalamazoo Department of Public Safety at 337-8139 or Silent Observer at 343-2100.