KALAMAZOO, MI (WKZO AM/FM) — As other school districts in Kalamazoo County have dropped their mask mandates over the last few weeks, Kalamazoo Public Schools currently remains as the only school district in the county with a mandate still in place. But officials are now saying that this could soon change.
Kalamazoo Public Schools Superintendent Rita Raichoudhuri said the district is reevaluating it’s current mask mandate, and will announce it’s decision at their next board meeting scheduled for Thursday, March 17.
The mask mandate has been in place for the school district since August of last year, this after keeping instruction virtual the year before.
Kalamazoo Public Schools is the last district in the county to require that students wear masks while inside schools.
As the omicron variant surge went down in February, the Michigan State Health Department announced a withdrawal of it’s public health advisory on making in indoor public settings, which included schools.