MARSHALL, MI (WNWN/WTVB) – The Calhoun County Clerk-Elections Office has received petition language from former Albion Mayor David Atchison who wants Marshall School Board Members Richard Lindsey, Matt Davis and Shawna Gamble to be recalled.
Under Michigan election law, the Calhoun County Election Commission has to review the language before the recall petitions can be circulated.
The Calhoun County Clerk, County Treasurer, and the County Probate Judge will hold a Clarity/Factual Review Hearing on Monday, January 24th at 8:15 a.m. at the Calhoun County Building in Marshall.
The purpose of the hearing is to determine whether each reason for the recall stated in the petitions is factual and of sufficient clarity.
The hearing is not intended to debate the purpose or the merit of the allegations.
The Commission does not have the authority to rule on the reasons for recall as only the clarity and factual nature of the recall language is subject to their review.