DEARBORN, MI (WKZO AM/FM) – Michigan roadways saw an increase in fatalities for the third straight year in 2020.
According to Michigan Traffic Crash Facts (Michigan Office of Highway Safety Planning) there were 1,083 lives lost in traffic crashes in 2020 – the most since 2007.
AAA – The Auto Club Group urges drivers to make a few New Year’s resolutions that will help keep them – and everyone else – safer on the road in 2022.
“New Year’s is a time for reflection and commitment to better habits,” AAA spokesperson Adrienne Woodland said. “Too many lives are being lost on our roads, and we all have a role to play in preventing these tragedies.”
AAA provided the following points to focus on to WKZO.
Drive sober –
Don’t get behind the wheel after drinking alcohol, using marijuana or taking medications that can cause impairment. Designate a driver or have a plan to get home safely whenever you go out. Be careful with cold and allergy medicines and prescription drugs, and keep in mind that cars count as “Heavy Machinery” when reading warning labels.
Get enough sleep –
Missing just a 2-3 hours of sleep more than quadruples your risk for a crash, which is the statistical equivalent of driving impaired.
Avoid distractions –
This includes not using “hands-free” systems, which can be just as cognitively distracting as manual controls and hand held devices. And don’t let advanced safety features give you a false sense of security. Stay focused and engaged at all times behind the wheel.
Slow down –
Speeding makes it more difficult to avoid a collision by reducing your reaction time and increases the likelihood that a crash will cause injuries and fatalities – especially when it involves vulnerable roadway users like cyclists and pedestrians. Slowing down on the highway can also save you money, as your vehicle loses fuel efficiency the faster you go over 55 mph.
Buckle up –
According to data from the Michigan Office of Highway Safety Planning, vehicle occupants in crashes were 52 times more likely to be killed if they were not wearing their restraints. Safety belts save lives.
Share the road –
Watch out for cyclists, pedestrians, and motorcycles, and slow down and move over whenever you see maintenance crews or emergency responders on the side of the road.
“Our surveys of drivers consistently show a gap between perceptions of danger and self-reported behavior when it comes to crash risks,” Woodland added. “Ultimately, we need drivers to do what they know is the right thing.”
Members can use the AAADriveTM feature in the AAA Mobile app to keep track of their progress on several of these resolutions.