KALAMAZOO, MI (WKZO AM/FM)- Kalamazoo County will begin conducting hybrid meetings starting with the Board of Commissioners meetings Tuesday, January 4. With the expiration of emergency orders, all Board of Commissioner meetings will be in a hybrid format. That means that the public has the option of attending either in-person or via Zoom.
In a release Tuesday, Board Chair Tracy Hall said, “The well thought out decision to proceed with hybrid meetings came after the board weighed all of our options and decided to move with a plan alongside our Health and Community Services professionals and our Health Officer James Rutherford. That includes measures for protecting the public, officials, and staff from exposure to Coronavirus.”
County officials say they continue to encourage mask-wearing and socially distanced seating. The public can also continue to attend meetings virtually via zoom for all sessions in the near future and are asked to do so if they are experiencing any COVID or flu-like symptoms.
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