KALAMAZOO, MI (WKZO AM/FM) — A precautionary boil water advisory has been issued for an area of Kalamazoo as the city begins some repair work. It affects areas along Lake Forest Dr., Brandywine Rd., Roxbury Ln. and Lake Hill Dr.
The work will result in a temporary loss of pressure and is precautionary only as there have not been any confirmed tests showing bacteria present in the water mains in those spots. Initial sampling results will be available sometime on Monday and the advisory is expected to be lifted by Wednesday.
- Brandywine Road – from Lake Forest Drive (western boundary) to the east end (eastern boundary), both sides of the roadway.
- Roxbury Lane – From Brandywine Road (northern boundary) to the south end (southern boundary), both sides of the roadway.
- Lake Hill Drive – From Lake Forest Drive (eastern boundary) to the west end (western boundary), both sides of the roadway.
Municipal water customers in the affected area may use bottled water for consumptive purposes or boil their tap water for 2 minutes prior to use for drinking or other ingestion. No special precautionary measures are necessary for water used for personal hygiene.