BARRY COUNTY, MI (WKZO AM/FM) – The Barry County Sheriff’s Office is asking the public for assistance with locating a missing person.
The person is identified as 41-year-old Rachel Lynn Hazen, who was last seen Wednesday, July 21.
Police say Rachel left her son’s home on Wednesday afternoon and was seen by a neighbor at her residence later that day.
Around 11:05 a.m. Tuesday, a close friend of Rachel contacted law enforcement because they had not seen or heard from her.
Rachel is reportedly driving a silver 2005 Ford Escape with no license plate.
Anyone who sees or locates Rachel Hazen is asked to contact the Barry County Sheriff’s Office at 269-948-4801 or Barry County Central Dispatch at 269-948-4800.
A picture of the vehicle can be viewed below.

Rachel Lynn Hazen, a missing person in Barry County, is thought to be driving a silver 2005 Ford Escape with no license plate. (Photo courtesy Barry County Sheriff’s Office).