Kalamazoo City Commissioners unanimously approved a resolution opposing a bill proposed in Lansing that would ban transgender high school student-athletes from competing in girls’ sports. Commissioner Erin Knott, who is also Executive Director of Equality Michigan called the legislation discriminatory and damaging.
“School officials shouldn’t treat a transgender female as a girl between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. and then treat her like she is a boy when practice starts.”
Commissioner Jeanne Hess testified at the Senate Committee Hearing on the bill as a former K-College Women’s Coach. She says both state and federal high school athletic associations oppose such bills…
“This is about so much more than sports. It’s about equality and it’s about dignity for all.”
The legislation is similar to bills that have been introduced across the nation. If any of them pass, they will likely face court challenges.