KALAMAZOO, MI (WKZO AM/FM) — Dozens of people gathered for a good cause Saturday as the Kalamazoo River Alliance held their 1st annual Kalamazoo River Cleanup event.
Over 70 volunteers, along with city, state, and federal agencies, gathered at Verburg Park and then branched out to remove as much garbage as they could in the hot weather. Organizer Ryan Baker spoke to us just before the event and didn’t mince words about the current condition of the river.
“From Verburg, to Mosel Rd., and up to Growlers stadium, (we’re) cleaning up as much crap as possible. Because the river is bad right now. It’s pretty trashed. So hopefully, we can get things cleaned up and make this place look a little better.”
Along with the volunteers, personnel from the EPA, Michigan DNR, the city of Kalamazoo and local law enforcement agencies were on hand to assist in getting the garbage from the various locations being cleaned into dumpsters.
They are still determining exactly how much garbage was collected, but it’s believed several hundred pounds were removed during the event.
The Kalamazoo River Alliance group was initially formed as a response to the massive sediment and sludge release at Morrow Dam by Eagle Creek Renewable Energy in 2019 that has left the river’s fish and wildlife habitat decimated over several miles of the Kalamazoo River. Since then, the group has broadened out to tackle the general quality and conditions of the Kalamazoo River in the Comstock Township, downtown Kalamazoo, Parchment, and Cooper Township areas.