LANSING, MI (WKZO AM/FM) — A resolution in Lansing was adopted Wednesday with overwhelming bipartisan support aimed to recognize March as a time to celebrate the importance of Michigan’s food and agriculture industry. The industry contributes more than $104 billion annually to the state’s economy and represents over 850,000 jobs which make up 17 percent of Michigan’s workforce.
“Throughout our state’s ongoing challenges brought by the pandemic, we have been reminded of an important lesson regarding the supply chain of our food and the value of our farmers. Never before had we experienced such a challenge in finding the foods we needed at our local grocery stores.” – State Representative Julie Alexander of Jackson
Michigan has more than 47,000 farms that occupy nearly 10 million acres of farmland, which produce more than 300 food and agricultural commodities. 99% of Michigan farms are family-owned and multi-generational.