KALAMAZOO, MI (WKZO AM/FM) — The President of Western Michigan University (WMU) says that the upcoming fall semester will be “near-normal” when students return.
In a letter written to WMU students, President Edward Montgomery explained what the procedures would be for students under the pandemic.
“On par with other Michigan public universities that have announced their fall plans, about 75% of Western classes will be in-person,” Montgomery wrote. “Most of those will be fully face-to-face with 6% offered in a hybrid format. The portion of entirely in-person courses will be double those offered last fall.”
Montgomery says that part of the reasoning is due to the increased availability of vaccines in the last few weeks.
“With this in mind, we are anticipating a full return to in-person campus activity over the summer,” Montgomery wrote. “Pending state guidance, we have tentatively set July 6—following the Independence Day holiday—as our target date for enhanced return to campus. At that time, we anticipate all departments, offices and services will return to full in-person operations. We have significant planning ahead to ensure a safe and smooth return to campus.”
Meanwhile, Montgomery says all students should get vaccinated as soon as possible and continue to follow all established health guidelines.
Readers can view the full letter at this link.