PORTAGE, MI (WKZO AM/FM) — Fire crews in Portage say there were no injuries reported in an apartment fire that took place Tuesday morning.
Around 10:39 AM, Portage Fire Division crews, along with members of the Pavilion Township Fire Department, were dispatched to a fire at Austin
View Apartments, located at 1525 Bacon Avenue in Portage.
Initial crews arrived on scene to find a two story apartment building with smoke coming from one of the bottom floor apartments. All occupants of the apartment were able to evacuate prior to arrival.
A small fire was located in the kitchen area and extinguished utilizing a water-based fire extinguisher. The cause of the fire was determined to be combustible materials left on the stovetop.
Fire damage was limited to the kitchen area of the apartment, with smoke damage throughout. Working smoke detectors were installed in the apartment, which activated during this incident.
The Portage Department of Public Safety reminds all residents that properly working smoke detectors offer occupant’s early warning of a fire and provide extra time to evacuate.
Smoke detectors should be installed on every level of your home and in every sleeping area, as well as the sleeping area hallway.
Anyone with information about this incident is asked to contact the Portage Department of Public Safety at 269-329-4567 or Silent Observer at 269-343-2100.
Tips can also be forwarded to www.kalamazoosilentobserver.com.