KALAMAZOO, MI (WKZO AM/FM) – The annual Red Kettle Campaign for The Salvation Army is going high tech this Christmas at two Kalamazoo area grocery stores.
At the Harding’s Markets stores at 5161 West Main in Kalamazoo and 300 Reno Drive in Wayland, you will be able to scan a QR-coded red kettle to make a donation.
Invented and manufactured in Grand Rapids by Mol Belting Systems in collaboration with Handstand Innovations, two Harding’s Markets in Wayland and Kalamazoo have been equipped this holiday season with Salvation Army QR-coded red kettles imprinted on patented covers called MessageWrap®, which overlay all checkout lane conveyor belts.
All of the funds donated will stay locally within the same zip code as the location of Harding’s and support The Salvation Army in the services it provides at Christmas and year-round, which includes those that address food insecurity.
In a trial run for what has the potential to become a seasonal trend for The Salvation Army on a larger scale, the partnership with Harding’s marks the first time in the country a Red Kettle Campaign donation QR code is featured on a grocery store conveyor belt cover.