BATTLE CREEK, MI (WKZO AM/FM) – Calhoun and Allegan County health officials are issuing new guidance in how they will investigate and track COVID-19 cases going forward.
The Calhoun County Public Health Department says it continues to see a significant increase in COVID-19 cases within the county, placing a strain on their disease investigation and case investigation efforts. As a result, the health department will begin prioritizing disease investigation and contact tracing efforts. That means for residents is positive COVID-19 individuals and their close contacts may not receive a phone call from the Health Department.
Effective immediately, the department will focus efforts on disease investigation and contact tracing for individuals attending K-12 schools and school functions,
residents of long-term care facilities, high-risk congregate settings, and First Responders to maximize staffing resources and prevent outbreaks among vulnerable individuals
The health department says it will continue to consult with organizations such as businesses, schools, healthcare systems, and public safety on isolation and quarantine recommendations, as well as best practices to reduce COVID-19 transmission.
The Allegan County Health Department has gone to an online process to assist case investigation and contact tracing, effective Thursday. The health department is asking individuals that have tested positive or have known exposure to COVID-19 to complete a self-reporting form.
· If you test positive, complete their “I tested positive” form.
· If you have a known exposure, complete this “I have been exposed” form.
The forms submitted online are designed to give the health department the information it needs to complete each case in the Michigan Disease Surveillance System. Until now, that information was gathered over the phone. They say filling out the online form versus having a lengthy phone call from investigators will be simpler and easier for both the public and health department staff.
The new process will allow Allegan County Health Department to contact cases that fall in higher risk categories. Filling out the form is required for those who want or need an isolation or quarantine letter for their employer.
They say this new way of case investigation and contact tracing will also help the health department prioritize investigations on outbreaks in schools, businesses, and in vulnerable populations.