KALAMAZOO, MI (WKZO AM/FM) — Community members and local organizations are bringing to light an ongoing problem in Kalamazoo: gun violence.
Since October 21st, Kalamazoo has seen at least 63 non-fatal shootings and 12 deaths linked to gun violence. Now many residents have been demanding that something be done to end the violence.
On Saturday, the Kalamazoo Black Artist Initiative along with ISAAC, also known as the Interfaith Strategy for Advocacy & Action in the Community, and Group Violence Intervention will lead the Walk to End Gun Violence.
The walk will begin in Farrell Park, located on North Rose Street on the city’s Northside, at 11:45 a.m. It will end less than a mile away at LaCrone Park on West Paterson Street. During the walk participants will be lighting candles to remember those who have lost their lives to gun violence.
At LaCrone Park attendees will also hear from families affected by this ongoing issue. A number of city officials will also give their remarks including Kalamazoo Mayor David Anderson, Vice Mayor Patrese Griffin, City Commissioner Eric Cunningham, the city’s Group Violence Intervention Coordinator Michael Wilder, and many others.
In addition, artists will be unveiling a new mural in Lacrone Park. The Kalamazoo Black Artist Initiative was created in an effort to better represent artists of color. The mural was designed by six artists and honors dozens of victims who have lost their lives to gun violence in the city of Kalamazoo.
The event will follow CDC guidelines and all attendees are asked to wear a face mask and social distance from others.