KALAMAZOO, MI (WKZO AM/FM) — Pastor Nathan Dannison will not be reappointed to the Kalamazoo Citizens Public Safety Review and Appeal Board, members announced this week.
Deputy City Manager Patsy Moore made that announcement during a virtual meeting Tuesday, saying that Dannison’s term will be up on September 30. Dannison said that he had been informed his application for reappointment had been denied earlier that day.
“This has been a pretty hard day for me,” Dannison said. “I was notified this morning by the City Manager’s office that my request to serve another term was denied. I think it’s a good thing to bring voices to municipal boards, but I was alarmed by the reason the DCM gave.”
Dannison said that the reason for his denial was that his expectation of impartiality had been called into question.
“I was told that the police officers who come before our board need to have assurances that they will be judge impartially, and that I couldn’t be expected to be impartial,” Dannison said. “I feel that I have always been reasonable in my determinations.”
Earlier this summer, Dannison had hosted a counter-protest to a Proud Boys rally that turned violent. Dannison had criticized the way the Kalamazoo Department of Public Safety (KDPS) had responded to that event.
He added that his removal from the board was concerning.
“I need to say, for my own conscience, that if the police are worried about their review board being biased against them, perhaps they should examine their practices,” Dannison said. “I believe the Kalamazoo Department of Public Safety has the potential to be the finest police force in the entire country, and a leader and a beacon for other municipalities to follow. But if people are removed from the review board, simply for voicing their concerns about police action, it risks looking like this board is a sham, or a rubber stamp for the police.”
Dannison said that he stands by every vote he’s ever cast while working for the board, which he has served on since October 2017.
Board members spoke favorably of Dannison and thanked him for his work.
“Throughout my tenure with you, I have held you in high regard, I respect you, and you will be sorely missed,” Board Chair Vernon Payne said. “We look forward to your continued involvement in the community, we do not have an expectation that you’re going to go away from the passion and the mission you’ve been on for all people.”
Dannison also said he would recommend Jacquis Robertson be nominated to the position of Vice Board Chair, and staff said they would take that recommendation to the City Manager’s office.
Following this news, news outlets including WWMT shared a statement made by City Manager Jim Ritsema on the matter, which can be viewed below:
“The Citizen-Public Safety Review and Appeal Board fosters accountability and transparency and builds credibility, community trust and confidence that Kalamazoo Department of Public Safety complaints and inquiries are handled seriously and appropriately. CPSRAB bylaws require that a board member not have demonstrated bias for or against a particular party that is sufficient to impair impartiality.
For this board to function properly, both the officers at KDPS and the citizens who bring forth complaints must have confidence that board members are impartial and perform their duties without bias. Recent events, along with actions and words by Pastor Nathan Dannison, have led me to conclude he cannot be impartial and serve without bias.
He is entitled to the freedom of expressing his point of view and engaging in political activism, however we must hold our citizen board members to the highest standards as detailed in our bylaws so all complaints are handled fairly, impartially and without bias.”
A video of the meeting can be viewed on YouTube at this link.