KALAMAZOO, MI (WKZO AM/FM) — After a back and forth on what is and what is not allowed, it looks like baseball is getting the green light to continue in Southwest Michigan.
On Wednesday, the Kalamazoo Growlers released a statement saying that they were unable to play their game that day against the Kalamazoo Mac Daddies after a meeting with the Kalamazoo County Health Department and the Sheriff’s office.
Officials were first notified that because the Northwoods League teams are composed of college athletes, they do not qualify for the professional sports exception under Governor Gretchen Whitmer’s executive order, unless their players are paid, which would forfeit their college eligibility.
However, the following day, the Growlers released another statement saying that after extensive communication with the health and sheriff’s departments, the Attorney General’s office, and in conjunction with the team’s attorneys at Willis Law they have obtained clearance to proceed with their season as planned, “subject to the restrictions within the applicable Executive Orders.”
“We are committed to providing a safe venue for players, fans and staff as well as supporting the livelihood of our 80-100 staff members with our teams. I can’t thank our local officials and Willis Law enough for getting this back on track,” said Growlers Vice President Brian Colopy.
The Thursday, July 9th game between the Kalamazoo Growlers and the Kalamazoo Mac Daddies will begin at 7:35 p.m. as well as all other games from July 9-12th.
Fans that missed Wednesday night’s game will be notified as to their new game later in the season.
More information can be found on the Northwoods League website.