BATTLE CREEK, MI (WKZO AM/FM) – Battle Creek Police says there were no injuries, after they responded to a report of shots fired at an apartment last night.
Police arrived on-scene in the 400 block of Oakbrook Boulevard shortly after 10:00 p.m. Upon their arrival, officers learned that a bullet had gone through the apartment building’s exterior wall, where it came to rest in a closet of a nine and seven-year-olds’ bedroom. Although the two children were in the bedroom at the time of the incident, there were no injuries to any of the apartment’s occupants.
Through further investigation by police, it was determined that there was a group of men in the parking lot, directly in front of the victims’ apartment, when a second group of unidentified men snuck up behind the first group and fired shots from a carport on the other side of a courtyard area. The victims’ apartment was directly above the line of fire, causing a bullet to strike as described above. Shell casings were also found at the scene.
Police believe that the victims and their apartment had nothing to do with the altercation between the two groups, as it appears that one group was shooting at the other and didn’t intend to target the apartment.