KALAMAZOO, MI (WKZO AM/FM) – After a series of community meetings held in the spring, Kalamazoo City officials say revised updates to the City’s commercial zoning code, map, and related standards are now available for public review and comment.
Officials say that a public meeting has also been scheduled to review the revised proposal on Thursday, June 29, from 6:30 to 8 p.m. in the City Commission Chambers at City Hall.
At the meeting, City staff will provide an update before answering questions from attendees. The meeting will be broadcast by Public Media Network and streamed live on the City’s Facebook page and YouTube channel.
Community members can find the most recent proposed updates online at www.imaginekalamazoo.com/projects/zoningupdates.
After the proposed updates were initially released in the spring, City staff started a lengthy engagement process to review the proposal with community members and hear feedback, questions, and concerns.
Three public meetings were held, staff met one-on-one with affected property owners, and staff discussed questions and concerns received directly via phone and email. Presentations were also made to the Planning Commission, Natural Features Protection Review Board, and City Commission.
A summary of suggested changes during this process is available online here.
After gathering community feedback, discussing the proposal with boards & commissions, and reviewing best practices, the proposal has been updated with the following notable changes:
- The zoning map for parcels has been revised, including for 2130 Parkview Ave, 904 Hotop, and 924 W Lovell. Properties at 4301 and 4701 Stadium Drive (near the intersection of Stadium Drive and Drake Road) have also been removed.
- The proposed code has been revised to keep a car wash as a special use (which requires Planning Commission approval) in the Community Commercial (CC) district.
- The permitted development standards (PD) for several uses in the Live Work 1 and Community Commercial 2 districts have been revised to limit businesses on local neighborhood and enhanced neighborhood streets to better transition between commercial and residential areas.
- The Natural Features Protection Overlay intent section has been revised.
- The lot coverage requirements in the Natural Features Protection Overlay have been revised to keep some of the existing requirements that were proposed for removal.
- Text has been added in the Natural Features Protection Overlay about violations.
- The How to Use this Code section has been revised to include a reference to the Natural Features Protection Overlay District.
Other adjustments included adding illustrations, re-ordering of the text to improve its clarity and organization, and code updates based on staff research and continued use of the code.
These revised documents will be available for public review and comment through Friday, July 7. Community members can share comments online at www.imaginekalamazoo.com/projects/zoningupdates or by calling 311.
The final proposed changes are expected to be presented to the Planning Commission for consideration in August or September.