CASSOPOLIS, MI (WKZO AM/FM) – Cassopolis High School Students Against Drunk Driving are getting set to hold an event on Thursday, May 4 they hope will make an impression.
The SADD Chapter along with Pride Care Ambulance, Fire Departments from both Cassopolis and Penn Township, Michigan State Police,Memorial MedFlight, Wallace Towing, Wagner Family Funerals, Cassopolis Sheriff’s Department and One Man Band Entertainment are staging a Mock Accident at 12 noon in the Cassopolis Ross Beatty High School parking lot.
Event organizers say they aim to showcase the devastating effects of drinking and driving along with texting and driving.
To set the scene, students from the school will play the roles of real-life victims on the way to their high school prom, with things seeming to be going well until two of them make a poor decision that will impact their lives forever.
The public is invited to attend the event which begins at 12 p.m.
Attendees are asked to park in the northeastern corner of the parking lot, as the south end will be used for the accident and the landing of the Memorial MedFlight helicopter.
Call 269-445-0540 for more information.