CENTREVILLE, MI (WKZO AM/FM) – St. Joseph County Prosecutor Deborah Davis could face formal action from the the state’s Attorney Discipline Board for allegedly lying to a judge prior to her election.
A virtual prehearing conference Monday was continued until June 5, while Davis continues discussions with county officials over who will defend her in a potential disciplinary hearing.
According to the Three Rivers Commercial-News, the disciplinary process stems from an incident in January 2024 that led to Davis, who was an assistant prosecutor at the time, being fired from the St. Joseph County Prosecutor’s Office for allegedly lying to Judge Jeffrey Middleton during an aggravated stalking case in St. Joseph County 3B District Court.
Davis was fired by then-prosecutor David Marvin. She defeated him and former prosecutor John McDonough in the August 2024 primary election. She claimed her firing was in retaliation for running for the prosecutor’s position.