KALAMAZOO, MI (WKZO AM/FM) – New survey results show that the city of Kalamazoo may have work to do.
Results from the Polco national survey shows that the services and issues that Kalamazoo residents feel are the most important, are also the ones at the bottom of their satisfaction ratings. Public safety, the economy, and utilities are listed as priorities but rank poorly.
“Sidewalk maintenance we saw a reduction in satisfaction people reported having an easier time travelling by bicycle they showed that we improved and how they perceive our customer service,” says city CEO Laura Lam.
Lam says the professional survey, taken every other year, permits them to compare the results with the six previous times Kalamazoo has participated in the survey, and with the results from other cities.
“We’re gonna be diving into the details with our team. We’re gonna look at where perception how does it match up with the data we have, what comes of that maybe some different actions might be some different ways to communicate.”
They plan to spend the next month or two analyzing the results and will then make recommendations to address its findings.
“We’re also gonna be able to see the results as it relates to different quadrants of the city and different demographic categories.”
There were complaints that because it’s an old survey model first used 14 years ago, that housing isn’t listed separately as an issue.
The raw numbers were delivered to City Hall earlier this month. Lam says commissioners will get a presentation and possible recommendations in April, after the results have been broken down.