KALAMAZOO, MI (WKZO AM/FM) – Gryphon Place is operating an enhanced service to help people in Kalamazoo get connected with the agencies that can help them avoid gun violence and lead better lives.
The 211 service will still serve as an entry point for a broad range of services.
The Community Information Exchange, or CIE, will take it a step further, and help residents through the process to make sure their needs are addressed.
Audio PlayerGryphon Place’s Tia Whitley says it’s located at their new facility at 505 Park Street which will be one access point for the new program.
Audio PlayerReferrals into the CIE could come from their 211 operators, from the agencies, and from several navigators they plan to station in the community.
She says they are working closely with the Blueprint for Peace and anyone who mentions gun violence will automatically be referred to the CIE.
Audio PlayerWhitley says the operation is just getting off the ground and they are already reporting victories in the community.
Whitley says the Community Information Exchange will also create a data base to help agencies connect with each other, create a clearer picture of poverty in the community, and make sure that no one slips through the cracks.