KALAMAZOO, MI (WKZO AM/FM) – A new survey shows that despite continued double digit drops in the crime rate in Kalamazoo, the public’s overall feeling of safety has continued to drop.
The latest Polco report shows while public safety is their highest concern, satisfaction is down to 34% this year, down from 37% two years ago and 46% in 2021 at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic.
That is despite significant reductions in crimes of all kinds and specifically, violent crime has dropped by 18% over the last year according to Kalamazoo Public Safety Assistant Chief David Juday.
Audio PlayerThe city of Kalamazoo and Kalamazoo County have focused millions of dollars on reducing gun violence over the past two years, and that’s where the numbers are really remarkable.
Audio PlayerWhile Juday says his department has done its part, the positive trends haven’t been because of their efforts alone.
Audio PlayerCity CEO Laura Lam says they are still analyzing the survey results, but perception is often reality when it comes to the public.
Audio PlayerThey plan to continue and expand what they have been doing to lower those crime stats.
While they are lower, they still haven’t reached pre-pandemic levels.